
Blind Toona sinensis Learn more about Blind Toona sinensis

  • How to control the blind Toona sinensis by planting cotton?

    How to control the blind Toona sinensis by planting cotton?

    How to control the blind Toona sinensis by planting cotton? Please introduce the method that cotton blind stink bug can cause harm in cotton seedling stage and bud and boll stage. Now it is the bud blooming and boll setting period of cotton reproductive growth, and it is also the main harmful period of blind stink bug, which can cause cotton buds and bolls to fall off. And the current transgenic insect-resistant cotton on the blind Toona sinensis and other piercing.

  • Prevention and control of cotton blind Toona sinensis

    Prevention and control of cotton blind Toona sinensis

    The occurrence of blind stink bug is very sensitive to the ecological environment. The blind Toona sinensis likes the temperature of 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ and the relative humidity of 80% to 90%. The recent wet weather is very beneficial to the occurrence of the blind Toona sinensis. The planting of flower arrangement in cotton field is also beneficial to the parasitism and transfer of Toona sinensis. Now, soybeans, broad beans and other vegetables are interspersed in cotton fields, which is beneficial to their reproduction. Therefore, some cotton farmers in Hanchuan, Yunmeng and other counties and cities in Hubei Province have recently revealed the occurrence and harm of blind stink bugs.

  • Blind Toona sinensis: the occurrence of blind Toona sinensis on crops and the control of bamboo blind stink weevil

    Blind Toona sinensis: the occurrence of blind Toona sinensis on crops and the control of bamboo blind stink weevil

    Bamboo blind stink bugs, you must know this kind of pest. Then how to prevent it and eliminate its harm to agriculture? Let's take a look at it. At present, pesticide control can still effectively control bamboo blind stink bugs, but it is not suitable for pesticide control during the continuous bamboo shoot picking period (April-October).

    2019-01-04 Blind Toona sinensis elephant bamboo blind stink bug elephant in crop on occurrence
  • The blind Toona sinensis harms new cotton leaves with holes and black spots.

    The blind Toona sinensis harms new cotton leaves with holes and black spots.

    A text message came from the 139mm-old 8164 mobile phone: there are many small holes and black spots in the new cotton leaves. What's going on? What kind of medicine do you use for it? A: it is likely to be caused by the harm caused by the stabbing of the blind Toona sinensis. The damage caused by piercing and aspiration of Toona sinensis at the top of cotton will cause tissue necrosis and form needle-like black spots, and then with the growth of healthy tissue, irregular holes will be formed in the leaves (its marginal tissue heals well, which is different from the perforation caused by disease). Toona sinensis is a frequent and frequent pest in cotton production in recent years.

  • At present, it is still necessary to prevent cotton blind stink bugs.

    At present, it is still necessary to prevent cotton blind stink bugs.

    This year's cotton pests are different from previous years. In most of cotton growth, the first and second generations of cotton bollworms have not had much impact on cotton. It can be said that cotton bollworms did not occur on a large scale. However, in the later stage of cotton growth, some cotton farmers only pay attention to the control of aphids, but do not pay attention to the control of other insect pests. In fact, the insect pests in the later stage of cotton is often another important factor that cotton can not be high-yielding. The main pest in the later stage of cotton growth is the blind Toona weevil, which belongs to Hemiptera cotton pest, and its fecundity is very strong.

  • Which parts should be paid attention to when administering cotton medicine?

    Which parts should be paid attention to when administering cotton medicine?

    Practice has proved that management is the key to high yield of cotton. Spraying is an important link in the growth and management of cotton. Cotton pests often occur: aphids, red spiders, blind Toona sinensis, red bollworm, cotton bollworm, gold steel drill and so on. The spawning and harmful parts of these pests are different, so attention must be paid to the parts when administering medicine. Cotton seedling stage, aphids, red spiders and other harm on the back of cotton leaves, spraying pesticides, the potion should be sprayed on the back of the leaves. In the middle and later stage of cotton, red bollworm lays eggs on the back of tender tip, tender stem and tender leaf, and sets bolls.

  • The word "steady" should be the first in the management of cotton bud stage.

    The word

    At present, cotton has entered the bud stage one after another. As the saying goes, "if cotton wants high yield, the stable growth of bud stage is the foundation." According to the investigation in the countryside and the problems encountered in the technical guidance, combined with the climate characteristics and the growth trend of cotton this year, the author thinks that the management of bud stage should be carried out around the word "stable" on the basis of "simplification, labor saving, high yield and high efficiency". And measures should be flexible and suitable for seedlings. The specific points are as follows: first, with the promotion of plastic film cotton and the use of herbicides, the number of intertillage is significantly reduced, but the necessary intertillage is still necessary.

  • Control cotton diseases, insect pests and weeds at sowing date and seedling stage

    Control cotton diseases, insect pests and weeds at sowing date and seedling stage

    This year, due to the influence of abnormal climate, the sowing time of cotton in our province was postponed. Under the condition of continuous low temperature, the growth and development of cotton was delayed, and the harm degree of diseases and insect pests was relatively aggravated. To this end, cotton is facing a more severe situation of pest control this year. From the beginning of sowing, we should firmly implement the key of each prevention and control technology, especially the technical link of drug selection. Now the main disease and pest control techniques at sowing time and seedling stage are introduced to the broad masses of farmers as follows: first, it is necessary to strictly control the chemical treatment of seeds at sowing time before sowing cotton.

  • Control methods of sesame blind stink bug

    Control methods of sesame blind stink bug

    Control methods of sesame blind stink bug

  • The management of cotton bud and boll period should be strengthened.

    The management of cotton bud and boll period should be strengthened.

    Bud stage management: after cotton enters the bud stage, all localities should adopt measures according to seedling system and classified management. In the first type of cotton field, the vegetative growth of cotton plant is exuberant, so it is necessary to regulate and control reasonably, shape the ideal plant type, promote the early boll setting, multi-boll setting and big boll setting of cotton plant; the second type of cotton field should promote the combination of control and control to promote the cotton plant to build a high yield shelf early; the third type of cotton field should develop late and grow weakly. The method of promoting both water and fertilizer should be adopted to promote the early emergence of cotton seedlings. Focus on the following aspects of work: 1, pay attention to the "four robbers" management. After interplanting in the wheat field and cotton field, the wheat should be watered and killed in time.

  • 6 points must be caught at the bud stage of cotton

    6 points must be caught at the bud stage of cotton

    Proper watering due to less rainfall and hot weather in northern China in mid-late June, it should be properly watered, but not too much, so as not to cause cotton to flourish and cause buds to fall off. Ploughing should be done in time after watering or heavy rain to promote the root system of the plant. Topdressing to promote weakness is generally applied every 667 square meters of urea 5kg, potassium chloride 15kg 20kg, zinc sulfate 1kg, borax 1kg, in order to promote the plant to build a high yield shelf. When applying fertilizer, the fertilizer should be trenched and applied deeply about 15 cm away from the plant. Topdressing at bud stage should take care of the weak.

  • Cotton planting technology: how to control diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage?

    Cotton planting technology: how to control diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage?

    How to prevent and control diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage? Please guide the cotton flower and boll stage to refer to the following methods to control diseases and insect pests: first, heavy occurrence and many kinds of cotton diseases and insect pests are predicted and analyzed. This year, cotton diseases and insect pests will occur moderately and heavily in some areas. In particular, many kinds of diseases and insect pests will be intertwined into pests during the flower and boll period.

  • Don't relax in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage.

    Don't relax in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage.

    In recent years, the proportion of transgenic Bt insect-resistant cotton accounts for more than 95% of the total cotton planting area in our province. The popularization of insect-resistant cotton has played a strong role in controlling the occurrence and damage of cotton bollworm in cotton field, but some diseases and pests should be prevented and controlled. from the point of view of this year, cotton boll period is a period of interweaving of many kinds of diseases and pests.

  • The number and species of spiders in tea gardens with beneficial organic farming are more than those used to do.

    The number and species of spiders in tea gardens with beneficial organic farming are more than those used to do.

    Spiders are the natural enemies of tea pests such as "tea horn blind Toona sinensis". The ecology of spiders in tea garden is rich, which is helpful to eliminate tea pests, and it is also an important index of biodiversity in tea garden. The endemic Biology Research and Conservation Center of the Council of Agriculture has been in Yuchi Township and Xinbei, Nantou County in the past two years.

    2021-06-09 Organic farming beneficial tea garden biology diversity spiders quantity
  • The effect of fenpropathrin

    The effect of fenpropathrin

    Fenpropathrin has contact toxicity, stomach toxicity and certain repellent effect, wide insecticidal spectrum and long residual period, and has a good effect on many kinds of spider mites. Especially for pests and harmful mites, it can be used to treat both pests and mites, especially for pests and harmful mites.

    2020-11-09 Methyl cyanide permethrin action methyl cyanide with contact
  • Causes and control methods of acute wilting of cotton after rain

    Causes and control methods of acute wilting of cotton after rain

    Causes and control methods of acute wilting of cotton after rain

  • Recent emergency management measures for cotton

    Recent emergency management measures for cotton

    The light and heat conditions in the early part of this year are favorable for the growth of cotton, but the recent low temperature and light, overcast and rainy weather are extremely disadvantageous to the growth of cotton, and the shedding of buds and bolls increases obviously. At present, it is a critical period for the formation of cotton yield. in order to obtain high cotton yield, the following management measures should be strengthened: first, to apply topping fertilizer and foliar spraying fertilizer for cotton fields with more bolls and premature senescence, urea 5-7.5 kg per 667 square meters, foliar fertilizer can also be applied in combination with pest control. II. Rational pruning and Harmony

  • How to manage the young fruit period of winter jujube?

    How to manage the young fruit period of winter jujube?

    How to manage the young fruit period of winter jujube? Please help guide the young fruit period of winter jujube can refer to the following methods for management: 1, to prevent fruit drop. In the later stage of young fruit expansion, the fruit often falls due to insufficient nutrition supply. in order to reduce the fruit drop, in the first and middle of July, the canopy was sprayed with 20ppm naphthylacetic acid and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

  • Key points of Cotton yield formation period Management

    Key points of Cotton yield formation period Management

    The light and heat conditions in the early part of this year are favorable for the growth of cotton, but the recent low temperature and light, overcast and rainy weather are extremely disadvantageous to the growth of cotton, and the shedding of buds and bolls increases obviously. At present, it is a critical period for the formation of cotton yield. in order to obtain high cotton yield, the following management measures should be strengthened: first, to apply topping fertilizer and foliar spraying fertilizer for cotton fields with more bolls and premature senescence, urea 5-7.5 kg per 667 square meters, foliar fertilizer can also be applied in combination with pest control. Second, reasonable pruning and chemical control due to recent Rain Water

  • The time and method of Apple bagging

    The time and method of Apple bagging

    Bagging time except for apple varieties which are prone to fruit rust, early and medium-maturing apple varieties are usually bagged about 30 days after falling flowers, and mid-late and late-maturing apple varieties are bagged 35-45 days after falling flowers. Bagging prematurely, although the apple fruit surface is more smooth when harvested, but because the young fruit stalk is delicate, the fruit will meet the windy weather.
